Our latest print newsletter is now available for download! The March 2013 issue features:
- Volunteer Superstars! Read how the work of thousands of volunteers helps keep CCANO growing and going!
- ACCESS Jazz Brunch & Auction Pictures and more!
- State of the Homeless in New OrleansCCANO joins with UNITY of Greater New Orleans to assess the homeless in our city.
- Celebrating Service CCANO Staff Appreciation Day
- News from Cafe Hope Westbank BBQ Cook-Off and New Hours!
- CRS Rice Bowl
- AHCA Update
- and more!
Read Sr. Marjorie’s message from the March issue:
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans,
As we continue into this Lenten season, we are reminded that this season begins with the message, “Return to me with your whole heart…Change now… Change from the inside out!” With these words of scripture, God invites us to look at what we say and do during these chosen 40 days – in what we say and what we do! Jesus hides himself in others who need us. In serving not our own needs but the needs of others, we will experience the change from within. Let us ask ourselves, “What can I do today to be more alert to respond to those in need?” This is the mission of Catholic Charities – to serve those in need. In her prayer, St. Theresa of Avila gives clear direction on how we give totally of ourselves in serving the needs of others:
Christ has no body now but yours
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
Compassion on this world
Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good
Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world
Yours are the hands, the feet, the eyes
You are His body
Christ has no body now on earth but yours!
In and through the many programs and services of Catholic Charities, we fully participate in embracing Jesus’ call to love and service. We remember we are called to fast, pray and give alms in the Lenten season. In our fasting, in our praying and in our giving of alms, we become extensions of Jesus’ loving care. This is seen through the dedication of our numerous staff members and volunteers who live this mission daily. As we ready ourselves for Jesus’ glorious resurrection, we are thankful for all that we have individually received and mindful of how we might best use all this to build up others that may have greater need. Let us assist one another by being the hands, the feet and the eyes of Jesus as we strive to live for others as He did.
God Bless You!
Sr. Marjorie Hebert, M.S.C.Interim President/CEO