Published on April 21, 2015
ACCESS Pregnancy held its annual jazz brunch on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at the Audubon Tea Room. Congratulations to St. Philip Neri Parish for being honored as 2015 Outstanding Pro-Life Parish! Thanks to the generosity of many supporters of the maternity and pro-life services of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans. Here are a few photos from the day!
ACCESS Board President Lisa Baynham, Archbishop Aymond, Sr. Marjorie, Brunch Co-Chair Jean Rice
ACCESS Board Member Shannon Wild with Kim Garvey Williams and Amy Reese
ACCESS Board Members Joan Cuccia, Gwen Keenan and Diane Gannuch
St. Philip Neri Parishioners (winner of the 2015 Outstanding Pro-Life Parish Award)